They say it takes a village…well our village here at Freestyle Dance Academy absolutely rocks! We are all so proud of each one of the kids who performed, and thank you to all of the staff who made this show possible!

The FDA 2012/2013 Showcase Cast!
Here is a taste of the action from the Freestyle Dance Academy 2012/2013 showcase. The show was held right here in our own studio, located in Chalfont, PA. More pictures will be up soon on the FDA Facebook page.

Mrs. Kristen helping prepare the ballerinas.

Everyone backstage getting ready for the show!

Ms. Colleen talking w/ the little ladies before show time!

The little Men in Black ready to go!

Mr. Tony and the boys performing “Men in Black.”

Ms. Ali’s little divas!

Mr. Tony and Michael in “You Don’t Know Cool.”

Mrs. Kristen and her ballerinas performing “Once Upon a December.”

So graceful!

Mrs. Alexis and Phailin-Rain in “Do, Rei, Mi” from the Sound of Music.

“We love you Miss Hannigan!”

Our orphans performing “It’s A Hard Knock Life” from Annie.

Ms. Ali’s class dancing to Beyonce. Work ladies!!!

Libby showing off her quick feet during her tap routine!

Mr. Tony’s teens “groovin’ in detention.”

Mr. Ian, Frankie, and Nicole leading the Shuffle Bot Army at the end of the night!
Thank you to all who came out to the 2012/2013 Freestyle Dance Academy showcase! A special thank you to Brian for providing us with all of the awesome pictures and video! See everyone this summer!
~ Mr. Tony & The FDA Family ~