This holiday season, Freestyle Dance Academy will be collecting toys & goods to donate to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House for families in need in the Philadelphia area. The week will be closed out with a Saturday afternoon full of FREE dance classes, taught by Zach Saver, Jocelyn “Joci” Mastro & FDA’s own Tony Azzaro. Toys will be collected, and the dance classes will take place, at Freestyle Dance Academy, located in Warrington, Pennsylvania.
Zach & Jocelyn, two talented young dancers from Bucks County (who have known Mr. Tony a long time), approached Freestyle Dance Academy about helping to give back during this special time of year, and we were all too happy to jump on board. If you wish to help contribute to the toy drive, new toys can be dropped off at FDA any time before, or during, Dec. 8th. Zach & Jocelyn both wished to teach a dance class of their own, in order to truly donate their time and energy to collecting goods for the Ronald McDonald House, and share their love of dance with other dancers. Jocelyn has come to Freestyle Dance Academy in the past, to partner with Mr. Tony in raising clothing & costumes for dancers in need. She loves to give back to the dance community, and we always love having her in the building!
If you have questions about donating, or the dance workshops, please contact Freestyle Dance Academy. Freestyle Dance Academy has been voted among the Best of Bucks for Dance in 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018. FDA is a dance studio that provides high-quality dance education to the Warrington, Chalfont, Doylestown & Bucks County, Pennsylvania communities. Dance classes are offered in various dance styles including: hip-hop, jazz, breaking (“breakdancing”), musical theatre, ballet, tap, and more. Freestyle Dance Academy also has a performance group, known as The FDA Company, which appears around the Philadelphia & Bucks County regions, and provides young performers with a place to grow in both performance quality and dance knowledge.