Tag Archives: FDA
Freestyle Dance Academy’s Philadelphia 76ers Michael Jackson Performance
Freestyle Dance Academy took the floor at the Wells Fargo Center, in Philadelphia, PA, to perform a Michael Jackson Tribute dance piece that included the music legend’s famous songs “Smooth Criminal,” “Billie Jean,” and the Jackson 5’s hit “I Want … Continue reading
Posted in Freestyle Dance News, Local, Pictures, Shows, Videos
Tagged bboy, breakdancing, Brooklyn Nets, Bucks County, Chalfont, dance, dance class, dance lesson, Dance Performance, dancer, Doylestown, Facebook, FDA, Freestyle Dance Academy, hip-hop, jazz, kids, Lansdale, Michael Jackson, MJ, Montgomery County, performance, Philadelphia, Philadelphia 76ers, Rhymes With Beat, studio, tap, Thriller, Warrington, Wells Fargo Center, Youtube
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