Summer 2017 dance class registration is open at Freestyle Dance Academy! The summer dance season will be broken into two separate dance sessions. The Summer I session will run from June 5th – June 30th, while the Summer II dance session will run from July 24th – August 11th. Spots are available in all dance classes, including hip-hop, jazz, breaking (“breakdancing”), tap, ballet and more. Dancers must complete registration online, and dance tuition is due the first week of dance classes.
Click here to complete dance registration for the Summer 2017 dance session.
Since the summer dance season follows a different schedule than the rest of the year, all dancers (returning & new) must complete dance registration for the summer. Be on the look out for other summer activities at Freestyle Dance Academy, including our “Bring A Friend to Class” & Open House week July 10th – 14th!
New dancers at Freestyle Dance Academy are always welcome to participate in a trial dance class, in order to determine the best dance class placement for new students. If you are interested in scheduling a trial dance class, please contact the dance studio. After a trial class, dancers are welcome to then finish registration at Freestyle Dance Academy. For more FAQ’s about registration, click here, or contact the dance studio at 215-822-6313, or

Freestyle Dance Academy was voted “Best Dance Studio 2016” by the Doylestown Intell. Click to read more.
Freestyle Dance Academy was selected as the “Best Dance Studio 2016” for Bucks County, PA. Read more here. Freestyle Dance Academy provides high-quality, commercial dance education for the Warrington, Chalfont, Doylestown & Lansdale communities.
2017 Summer Dance Class Schedule & Pricing
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